
Spain has become one of the most important touristic destinations worldwide, and 3 EuroVelo routes (1, 3 and 8) cross the country. EuroVelo 1 in Spain crosses the interior of the Iberian Peninsula from North to South, passing through historic roads such as the Way of Saint James, the Canal de Castilla or the Vía de la Plata trail. EuroVelo 3 - Pilgrims Route largely follows the course of the historical French Way as it passes through Navarre, La Rioja, Castile and Leon and Galicia. And the famous EuroVelo 8 - Mediterranean Route takes you through great and vibrant cities like Valencia, Malaga or Cadiz, where you can enjoy the monumental heritage and immense cultural richness of southern Spain.

National Information

EuroVelo Spain - ConBici

National EuroVelo Coordination Centre

ConBici is the EuroVelo National Coordination Centre in Spain, which is responsible for the development of the bicycle in all its facets, the development of bicycle touring and the promotion of EuroVelo’s commitment to sustainability, air quality and regional development.

+34 638 870118

Passport for cycling "La Ruta en Bici"

The route passport is a freely available personal document for accreditation purposes, which certifies that the holder is touring the Ruta Via de la Plata and enables discounts to be obtained from affiliated businesses. A hard copy of the passport can be obtained at the tourist offices of those municipalities who are members of the association, or via the website.

Maps & Guides

EuroVelo 1: Camino de Santiago: From the Pyrenees to Santiago de Compostela [Bikeline Esterbauer]

This cycling guide describes the Spanish section of EuroVelo 1 between Pamplona and Frómista (303 km). The perfect tool before and during your journey: precise and informative maps, 1:75,000 scale, elevation and distance profiles, GPS tracks, accommodation and service directory. Can be used even without any knowledge of German. English translation of the map legend and the user manual of the guide available at

Bookable Offers

EuroVelo 1 Spain: World Heritage and Historical Routes


The Spanish section of the Eurovelo 1 route is an epic journey that takes you well off the beaten path, to discover continental Spain, crossing five strikingly different regions as you cycle. For two thirds of the way you will be following the Camino de Santiago and the Via de la Plata: both classic long distance cycling routes. Each night will be spent in towns and cities of outstanding historic, cultural and architectural interest, in a centrally located hotel.